Ancient Power Zone

Anubis: God of Mummification and the Afterlife

Anubis, the jackal-headed god of mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology, plays a crucial role in guiding souls to the underworld and ensuring their safe passage.

Attributes and Symbolism:
Anubis is depicted as a man with the head of a jackal, an animal associated with cemeteries and protection of the dead. He carries the scales used to weigh the hearts of the deceased against the feather of Ma'at, determining their fate in the afterlife.

Role in Mythology:
Anubis is credited with inventing the process of mummification, first performing it on Osiris after his death. As a psychopomp, Anubis guides souls to the Hall of Judgment, where they face Osiris and the gods.

Worship and Legacy:
Anubis was widely revered in ancient Egypt, with temples and rituals dedicated to him. His image continues to evoke themes of transition, justice, and protection.